Our Mission

The purpose of the New Amsterdam Boys & Girls Choir (NABGC) is to enrich the lives of children in the East Harlem community, using choral singing as a catalyst.

Discipline, respect, and academic success are expected, as well as working harmoniously toward common goals.

Our History

The New Amsterdam Boys & Girls Choir was established in 1986 as the New Amsterdam Boys Choir. In 2008, it broadened its mission to serve girls. The choir annually gives 10-15 New York City performances, and since 2009, it has taken three trips to Canada. Other venues have included performances in Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, and Nebraska. Prior to 2008, the boys choir also made three trips to Germany.

The choir’s membership comes from East Harlem’s public schools.  Most members come without any musical training. Membership is granted based on a basic ability to sing and a willingness to work hard.

Parents support the choir by serving as chaperones for choir activities, including performances and recreational outings. In addition, parents help with fundraising. There are regular parent meetings throughout the school year.

Special Events

5K Walk

The annual 5K Walk gives the NABGC members an opportunity to take a look at their neighborhood from the standpoint of the history made there by African and Latinos Americans. Over time, they can have discussions about the changes that have occurred each year, including the levels of gentrification. Each year, the post-walk reception is hosted by one of the organizations or families that supports the choir.

Young Heroes

Often children from Harlem and other communities of color don’t get to see leaders who look like them or come from similar circumstances. Each year NABGC members get a chance to read and discuss young people who performed remarkable acts to improve their lives in the area of social justice. By telling these stories through narration, acting, and singing, NABGC members are empowered with the idea that they too can make positive contributions to society.

Spring Concert

The NABGC spring concert is where its members get to showcase what they learn throughout the season. The program consists of Classical, folk, and popular songs. This event gives the members an experience of participating in a polished performance with professional sound and lighting technicians. Accomplished musicians are often invited to perform with the choir.